Get advice on coming to campus from YU Screen. Not feeling well? Use York’s self-assessment tool for next steps. The Student Case and Contact Management team will reach out and follow up with a note about your situation. If you are still unsure about whether you should return to campus, continue to screen daily.
AirYorkPLUS and eduroam WiFi Certificate Update Notice. Some York WiFi users may see a new popup on their devices asking to accept a certificate for “,” following the Network Services team renewing the WiFi certificate on Saturday, Oct. 22. This change should be invisible on many devices on the University’s WiFi, but users with this popup should ensure that the certificate is for the above link before clicking continue or accept.
VPS Meet & Greet. Take a wellness break and meet new people by joining Vice Provost Students Nona Robinson on a walk around campus, or to simply sit and chat. Various dates available, beginning Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1 to 2 p.m. Registration required.